Welcome to Our Homes!
A Safe Place for Support
Dougy Center has three locations to welcome children, teens, young adults, and families who are grieving. Dougy Center started in the home of Beverly Chappell. Each of our homes has its own unique story. Together, these homes have contributed to Dougy Center serving over 60,000 children and families with grief-informed support, hope, and healing after a death.
We are fortunate to have three homes to serve children, teens, and their families in the Portland metro area. Our headquarters in southeast Portland, Walker’s House in Canby, Oregon, 20 miles southeast of Portland, and a location in Beaverton, a suburb west of Portland.
Welcome to our homes—the right place when nothing feels right.

Our National Headquarters
Dougy Center’s national headquarters is located on SE 52nd Avenue in Portland, Oregon. Our current home was built after our original home for 22 years was destroyed by arson. We could not have rebuilt this warm and inviting headquarter location without the help of our incredible volunteers and our generous donors.
From this location, Dougy Center’s international thought leadership in the field of childhood bereavement is informed by the children and families in our program who are grieving. The children and families are our teachers and guides.
At this location we offer English-speaking and bilingual Spanish-speaking peer support groups for children, teens, young adults, and families coping with a death and our Pathways Program for families facing an advanced serious illness.

Walker’s House
Sometimes referred to as ‘Dougy Center South’, Walker’s House was established through a partnership with the Walker L. Bean Foundation, Providence Willamette Falls Hospice Foundation, and Dougy Center in memory of Walker Bean.
At this location, we offer peer support groups for children, teens, young adults, and families grieving a death.

Dougy Center West
Through a partnership with B4Church, we serve children and families who are grieving at their location in Beaverton, Oregon, a western suburb of Portland.
Indigenous Land Acknowledgment
We acknowledge that the land we call Portland and Multnomah County in Oregon are the ancestral lands of the Multnomah, Wasco, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Cowlitz, Bands of Chinook, Tualatin, Kalapuya, Molalla, and many other indigenous tribes who made their homes along The Columbia River and The Willamette River. We acknowledge that Dougy Center’s physical locations are on the traditional lands of the Chinook and Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde peoples. As a step toward honoring the truth and achieving healing and reconciliation with our history, Dougy Center commits to moving beyond words into programs and actions that fully embody a commitment to respecting the rights and cultural identity of indigenous people.
Dougy Center is committed to equity and inclusion in our programs and our practices so that everyone who receives our help will be respected for their individual and collective culture and perspectives.