Life-Changing Impact
Every Year, Dougy Center...
...responds to 25,000 crisis, information, referral, and intake calls;
...provides in-person peer support to more than 2,500 children, teens, young adults, and families who are grieving;
...trains more than 8,000 people on best practices to support children and families who are grieving; and
...reaches over 200,000 visitors seeking support, information, training, and grief support resources on our website.

...Listen to real stories
Hear from children, families, and our community partners about their personal experiences with Dougy Center and the impact our programs, resources, and advocacy has had in their lives.
Since 1982, we have…
...become an international authority on childhood grief;
...trained more than 500 programs worldwide on The Dougy Center Model;
...helped more than 60,000 children, teens, young adults, and their families who were grieving;
...served on national and international agencies (i.e. the FBI’s Children & Mass Tragedies Workgroup) and associations (i.e. International Workgroup on Death, Dying, and Bereavement); and
...supported thousands of listeners through our Grief Out Loud podcast episodes that have been downloaded nearly 700,000 times.