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What Kids and Teens Want Adults to Know About Grief

"Please don't tell me you know how I feel."

"Sometimes I get really sad and angry — but that's just how grief is for me."

"I want to decide when and how I share my grief story."

"Tell the truth. Even if it's hard."

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What do kids and teens want adults to know about grief? Learn more and find ways to support them at www.dougy.org/UnderstandGrief.

What is #UnderstandGrief

#UnderstandGrief Partner (with space add your organization's logo)

Grief is Not a Mental Disorder

Grief is Not a Five-Stage Process

Grief is Not Something to "Get Over"

Grief is Normal and Natural

Grief is Different for Everyone

There's No Right Way or Wrong Way to Feel

Sample Text
Not sure what to say with these posts? Here's some sample text to get you started...

We're joining @thedougycenter in the movement to #UnderstandGrief. Find out more and see what you can do at www.dougy.org/UnderstandGrief.