108 Ways To Survive Grief - Sweta Vikram

Jul 17th, 2024 | Episode 294

In May of 2023, Sweta Vikram was overwhelmed with grief. In the span of three days, her father died, her father-in-law died, and it was the 9-year anniversary of her mother’s death. When she looked for information on how to survive the maelstrom of emotions, she found reassurances that she would eventually get to the other side, but nothing that showed her how to do that. So, Sweta set out to create the resource she was looking for and recently published, The Loss That Binds Us, a manual with 108 practical tips to survive and navigate grief.

We discuss:
  • The overwhelm of multiple losses
  • Turning to writing for solace and support
  • Lessons she learned from each of her parents
  • The impact of sudden vs. expected death
  • Becoming a protector & caregiver for her dad - and the comfort that brought after he died
  • How grief shaped Sweta's values
  • The meaning behind the number 108 across multiple cultures
  • How she managed to finish her PhD in Ayurvedic Medicine so early in her grief
  • Which of Sweta's tips are the easiest and hardest for her to follow
  • Her relationship to forgiveness in the context of grief
  • How she approaches the anniversary season
  • Sweta's self-care practices

Sweta Srivastava Vikram is an international speaker, author, and Ayurvedic Doctor who also teaches yoga and meditation.

Ep 294 GOL

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"There are so many podcasts out there on grief but Grief Out Loud is one of only a few that focus on kids and families and strengthening those bonds after a loss. Jana DeCristofaro stands out as a smart, compassionate host who gets to the point of the story and goes deep with her guests. A great podcast for anyone dealing with loss."

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Grief Out Loud is supported in part by the Chester Stephan Endowment Fund in loving memory by the estate of Theodore R. Stephan.