Cultural Bereavement - Tida Beattie
Feb 17th, 2023 | Episode 247
When Tida Beattie's Thai immigrant parents died in 2019, she went from being a long-distance caregiver to an overwhelmed & grieving daughter. In her search for support, she found what so many do, a lack of culturally specific or informed resources. This experience motivated her to change this for others by creating spaces for immigrant families to receive support before and after a death. Tida is a Thai-American end-of-life doula, grief support facilitator, immigrant advocate, and co-founder of MESO, dedicated to supporting caregivers and those in grief with compassion and a cultural lens.
In this episode, we discuss:
- Growing up as a Thai-American and her family's experience of cultural bereavement.
- How her parents' immigrant experience informed their approach to end-of-life.
- What it was like to be a long-distance caregiver.
- Tida's search for culturally relevant grief support.
- The importance of acknowledging cultural bereavement.
- The goal and mission of MESO.
- Learning to hold both joy & grief.

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