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About Our Podcast

Remember the last time you tried to talk about grief and suddenly everyone left the room? Hosted by Jana DeCristofaro and produced by Dougy Center, Grief Out Loud is opening up this often avoided conversation because grief is hard enough without having to go through it alone. We bring you a mix of personal stories, tips for supporting children, teens, and yourself, and interviews with professionals. Platitude and cliché-free, we promise!

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February 25th, 2021
Episode 185

Widowish - Melissa Gould

When you think of the word "widow" what image comes to mind? When author Melissa Gould's husband Joel died, she didn't fit what she imagined widows looked and acted like, even if she felt like one. Th read more...

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February 19th, 2021
Episode 184

The Indigenous Death Doula Mentorship Program - Chrystal Wàban Toop

What does it mean to train to be a death doula for your community? Chrystal Wàban Toop is the founder of Blackbird Medicines and she joined us to talk about how her early experiences with grief ground read more...

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February 8th, 2021
Episode 183

Love Stories - A Griefy Valentine's Special

Even if you don't really celebrate it, Valentine's Day can be rough when you're grieving. This year, we decided to bring you a compilation of love stories from listeners. Even though Valentine's Day i read more...

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February 5th, 2021
Episode 182

Healing Trauma, Attending To Grief - Native Wellness Institute & Jillene Joseph

Jillene Joseph, Executive Director of the Native Wellness Institute, joined us to discuss how settler colonial policies outlawing Native funeral rights purposefully cut people off from traditional pra read more...

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Support Grief Out Loud

"There are so many podcasts out there on grief but Grief Out Loud is one of only a few that focus on kids and families and strengthening those bonds after a loss. Jana DeCristofaro stands out as a smart, compassionate host who gets to the point of the story and goes deep with her guests. A great podcast for anyone dealing with loss."

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Grief Out Loud is supported in part by the Chester Stephan Endowment Fund in loving memory by the estate of Theodore R. Stephan.