Were You Close? Always A Sibling With Annie Sklaver Orenstein
Jan 24th, 2025 | Episode 310
In this episode we talk with Annie Sklaver Orenstein, author of Always A Sibling: The Forgotten Mourners. Annie talks about her older brother, Ben, who died when he was deployed in Afghanistan, and how his sudden death reshaped her understanding of grief and loss. They discuss the unique challenges of sibling loss and how Annie ultimately decided to write the book she wished she had when Ben died.
We Discuss:
- Annie’s relationship with her brother Ben and his role in her life
- The day Annie learned of Ben’s death and the immediate aftermath
- How grief intersected with anxiety
- The unique and often overlooked experience of grieving a sibling
- Writing Always A Sibling and the need for more grief resources for siblings
- The complexities of sibling grief in complicated relationships
- The impact of signs from Ben and how Annie learned to find comfort in them
- Navigating the question, "Were you close?"
- Coping with grief while navigating major life milestones, such as becoming a parent
Resources Mentioned:
- Annie Sklaver Orenstein’s book: Always A Sibling: The Forgotten Mourners (Available on Amazon, Bookshop.org, and local bookstores)
- Dougy Center's grief resources and support programs (www.dougy.org)
Connect with Annie Sklaver Orenstein:
- Instagram: @anniesklaverorenstein
Get in Touch with Us:
- Email: griefoutloud@dougy.org
- Website: www.dougy.org
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"The best podcast out there for grievers and those interested in death and dying or working in that field. The host is so compassionate and asks the perfect questions. The guests are always very mindful and knowledgeable. I get something new out of every episode I listen to. Would highly recommend to anyone grieving as a tool towards resiliency through a really tough time."
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