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The Person Who Died is My:
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March 23rd, 2016
Episode 34

The Thing I Never Thought I'd Do Again - Dating After The Death Of A Partner

There is a lot that goes unsaid in grief, particularly when it comes to dating after the death of a partner. Jana talks with Megan Devine about what comes up when grief and dating overlap. When do you read more...

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March 11th, 2016
Episode 33

The Importance Of Honesty - Talking With Children About Death

As a child, Rachel Stephenson learned first hand the pain of not knowing the truth about her mother's death. The secrecy in her family led to a disconnection with her remaining parent and added layers read more...

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February 10th, 2016
Episode 32

The Youngest Grievers

How do we talk with the youngest children about death? What words should we use? Can they even understand? read more...

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January 25th, 2016
Episode 31

Birthdays & Anniversaries - Grief And Significant Days

For those who are grieving, birthdays and anniversaries of a loved one's death can loom large. What we do to mark these days is as individual and unique as our grief and the relationship we shared wit read more...

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