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The Person Who Died is My:
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September 24th, 2015
Episode 23

Language, Suicide, And Stigma (Part 3)

Why do people die of suicide? Join Jana and Donna Schuurman for a discussion about this complex question.  read more...

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September 14th, 2015
Episode 22

Grief & Becoming A Parent - An Interview With What's Your Grief

Eleanor and Litsa from What’s Your Grief join us as special guests to talk about becoming a parent when you’re grieving the death of your own parent or sibling. read more...

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September 8th, 2015
Episode 21

Turning Points In Grief

Have you ever struggled with the idea of finding closure in grief? Given grief’s ongoing and evolving nature, the search for final closure can be a misguided pursuit, one that leaves us disheartened a read more...

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August 7th, 2015
Episode 20

Grief & Developmental Disabilities

When someone dies, it creates upheaval in the support system, leading to unfamiliar territory in terms of how to help those with different perceptions and expressions of grief such as language, repeti read more...

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