The Person Who Died is My:
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January 29th, 2015
Episode 2

Ashes & Funerals

We answer two questions from the community. The first is from a mother of two young children who wonders what she can do with the ashes of her partner. The second from a young adult struggling with wh read more...

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January 27th, 2015
Episode 1

The Myth Of The Grief Timeline

We discuss some of the current mythology surrounding grief timelines and demystify the idea that there is a recipe for grieving or one right way to go about integrating a loss. Listen to learn new way read more...

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January 23rd, 2015

Grief Out Loud - Introductions

In this inaugural episode of the Grief Out Loud Podcast, Jana and Brendon introduce themselves, talk about the history of The Dougy Center, and our work with grieving children and their families. read more...

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