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The Person Who Died is My:
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December 20th, 2023
Episode 275

You Have A Life Worth Rebuilding - Melissa Pierce & The Widow Squad

What started out as an average winter morning ended up being one that would change everything in Melissa Pierce's life. She went to wake up her husband Dave for their son's basketball game and found h read more...

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December 15th, 2023
Episode 274

"So Sorry For Your Loss" - Dina Gachman

Dina Gachman's mother died of cancer in 2018 and less than three years later her sister died of alcoholism. A career journalist, Dina turned to writing as one way to make sense of these world altering read more...

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December 8th, 2023
Episode 273

How To Talk About What Happened - Adam Sawyer

In January of 2022, Adam Sawyer had everything he dreamed of and more. His partner Kara was the love of his life. Their cat Lela was his all-time favorite animal. Their off the grid house, Whiskey Jan read more...

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December 1st, 2023
Episode 272

It's Okay That It's Not The Same - Grief At The Holidays

It's our fifth annual holidays & grief episode! This time of year can be grueling for anyone, but particularly for those who are grieving. So, each year we put out an episode to help you feel less alo read more...

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