Trained by Dougy Center
Join the thousands of practitioners from grief centers, hospices, hospitals, faith communities, youth service and other organizations that have been trained on The Dougy Center Model, and who are running peer grief support groups across the country and around the world. Those trained by Dougy Center are welcome to use “Trained by Dougy Center” branding materials to display that they have completed our International Summer Institute or a customized training on developing and facilitating peer grief support groups based on The Dougy Center Model.
Instructions for Use
Practitioners who have been trained on The Dougy Center Model often ask how they can acknowledge that they have been trained by us. We now have “Trained by Dougy Center” branding materials which partners can display on their website and we also recommend the following supporting statement:
Our program is based on The Dougy Center Model, an internationally recognized peer grief support program for children, teens, young adults, and their families.
[Name of program] is based on The Dougy Center Model, an internationally recognized peer grief support program for children, teens, young adults, and their families.
The program at [organization] is based on The Dougy Center Model, an internationally recognized peer grief support program for children, teens, young adults, and their families.
Because Dougy Center is not a franchising entity, please understand that the use of “Trained by Dougy Center” branding materials is not meant, nor should it be construed as, an endorsement or certification of an organization’s current programming. Please contact us if you have any questions.
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