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Después de que alguien muere, las preguntas o frases raras, frustrantes, incómodas, irritantes por parte de otras personas parecen nunca aca...
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Como adolescentes a los que se les ha muerto alguien de COVID, nos damos permiso de...
Cuando estás viviendo un duelo, a veces ayuda poder escribirlo. Termina la frase con lo que se te viene a la mente. No hay respuestas correc...
¿Te cuesta recordar los buenos momentos con tu persona antes de morir de COVID? A veces, escribir o dibujar un recuerdo puede ayudar. Piensa...
Charlie Tull has two lives, but he's not deceiving anyone. There's his civilian one that he lives with his kids and family and there's his p...
This is a story about the people behind the numbers. A new study came out this week (September, 2022) estimating that 10.5 million children,...
Lingering. Shivering. Simmering. Splintering. These are the words DJ Arsene Versailles wrote to describe grief after his mother, Florcie Yv...
Sandra McGowan-Watts is a mother, a physician, and a widow. Her husband Steven died of COVID-19 on May 8th, 2020. She and their daughter hav...